4 Signs Your Pet Ferret Needs to Go to the Vet

29 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Ferrets make great pets for adults and children. They love to run and play, and are generally easy to care for. One thing you need to pay attention to is their daily behavior. There are certain signs that will tell you when it is time to take your ferret to a vet. Here are some common signs you want to watch out for.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

As with all pets, a ferret that is vomiting or has diarrhea is one that might be ill. Either of these signs is a reason to bring them to the vet, though they might also be doing both. Both vomiting and diarrhea in ferrets are signs of stomach upset, intestinal blockage, or gastroenteritis. With diarrhea, it might also be due to having an infection, following the wrong diet, or having a hairball that is stuck in their stomach. Diarrhea is very dangerous in ferrets, so make sure you bring them to the vet right away.

Hair Loss with Scratching, Chewing, or Licking

If you have noticed your ferret scratching or licking themselves more than usual, or chewing on their fur, there might be a problem. When you notice these signs, check their fur to see if there is any hair loss. They might have problems with insects or fleas. Even if your ferret doesn't go outside, it can still get fleas. You or any of your pets can bring in the fleas. They might also have parasites attacking their skin or have ticks. Bring in your ferret so your vet can give them the right treatment.

Respiratory Problems

You might also notice that your ferret has respiratory problems, such as panting, wheezing, or coughing. Ferrets can get respiratory diseases just like other animals. These signs might signal a flu, cold, or fungal infection of the lungs called mycoses. The veterinarian can provide a variety of treatments depending on what the problem is. Simple treatments are available for a cold and flu, while they might get antifungal medication if they have mycoses.

Emergency Signs

While these are all signs that your ferret might be ill, there are some signs that require you to bring them in immediately. The following emergency signs should not be ignored:

  • Grinding their teeth
  • Dull, listless, or lethargic
  • Feces is green, has blood in it, or has a bad odor
  • Difficulty moving
  • Swelling in the extremities

Do not wait until Monday; find an emergency veterinarian clinic close to you that takes these types of animals.